Black and White, Black and White Photography, Joseph, New York, Photography

One Small Step….


Fuji X-T1 and XF 18mm f/2.0 R Lens – 1/30 @ f/2.8 – ISO 6400

Apollo 11 moon landing as displayed at the Cradle Of Aviation Museum, Mitchell Field, Long Island.

“One small step for a man, one giant step for mankind” – Neil Armstrong

Black and White, Black and White Photography, Joseph, New York, Photography

Business End


Fuji X-T1 and XF 35mm f/2.0 WR R Lens – 1/30 @ f/2.8 – ISO 800

This is the business end of a 30mm Rotary Cannon on a Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II Warthog Anti-Tank aircraft. This canon is designed to fire a maximum of 3900 rounds per minute with 50 rounds per second (for the first second until the rotary canon comes up to speed) and up to 70 rounds per second thereafter.

If I was on the ground and needed help there would be no doubt with “who you gonna call”

Here is a link to this amazing aircraft – A-10 Thunderbolt II



Black and White, Black and White Photography, Joseph, New York, Photography

Country Comfort
