Joseph, New York, Photography




Nikon D610 and Tamron 90mm Di SP Macro Lens – 1/125 @ f/5.6 – ISO 100

Please note: beginning Friday September 19th The Visual Chronicle posting schedule will change to three times weekly instead of daily. I will post photos on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and on Fridays the weekly tutorial will continue. I would like to thank all of my followers and viewers that stopped by daily for the past two years and I would love to continue posting every day but truth be told between Monochromia and The Visual Chronicle it is just taking up too much of my time. It’s time to relax a bit after all I am retired 🙂


30 thoughts on “Flower

  1. LB says:

    YAY!! Good for you!
    Seriously, Joe … you did not retire to spend all your time in front of a computer, right?
    It just takes too much time to post daily (I have trouble keeping up with 2 on my own and 1 on Monochromia).
    If it wasn’t 10:40 at night and time for bed, I’d toast your decision.


  2. Good for you, Joe! I blogged every day for a year, and was relieved to cut back to five days a week. Now I’m posting three-to-four days a week and the balance feels right.

    Gorgeous flower photo. My goodness, nature is amazing.


    • Thank you Alys 🙂 One of the reasons I am cutting back besides being tired is I have no time to visit other peoples blogs. Like you say its all about balance. Nature is surely amazing 🙂


  3. A magnificent shot Joe! As for your change in posting, well done! No point in becoming a slave to another routine in your retirement. Enjoy your time and always good to have your company along the way!


  4. I understand exactly what you mean. As a retiree myself, I got rid of my watch. It was a symbol of work and busy schedules. Been posting daily for five years, but if the workload get too heavy will slow down as you did. So far it’s within my reach. I’m glad you are continuing the tutorials on a weekly basis. They are an excellent source of information. Last but certainly not least, we all love your piictures being black and white or in full color. Thank you for sharing with us, amateur photographers.


  5. It will always be a pleasure to see your beautiful pictures 3 times by weeks than daily. I understand perfectly your argument (I am not retired) and I posted daily only few month then I cannot continue because It took to much time in my life.
    I like this picture of this flower that always seems to be sad with his falling petals but you give it joy with the yellow that take a big part of the picture.
    Enjoy your day Joe 🙂


    • Thank you Pauline 🙂 When I first started the blog I had just retired and it gave me something to do. Then I started posting two times a day for a year and I had to cut back because of the amount of time it was taking. Now between the two blogs its out of control. I was going to shut The Visual Chronicle down but if I have over 1000 followers they must be following me for some reason so I decided to just cut back instead of shutting it down. Who knows maybe 3 days will still be too much and I will have to cut back more. On the positive side I might get a burst of energy and start posting daily again, LOL. Have a great evening 🙂

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