Black and White, Black and White Photography, Joseph, New York, Photography

Strike While The Iron Is Hot


Fujifilm X-T1 and Fujinon XF 35mm f/1.4 R Lens – 1/7 @ f/2.8 – ISO 200

An old wood burning stove with cooking utensils and an old fashioned iron.  I hope you enjoy.


16 thoughts on “Strike While The Iron Is Hot

  1. smackedpentax says:

    Funnily enough we have an old iron on our hearth – I have to move it when Shirl is in a bad mood in case she brains me with it…This is a great still life Joe…wonderful lighting too 🙂


  2. That’s a really cool old iron! And my grandmother had a wood-heated stove that looked like this one. 🙂 I remember the wonderful smell of wood burning and watching the flames. Wonderful photo Joe, the light is so beautiful!


    • Thank you Elina 🙂 It’s so true the smell of wood burning is wonderful. I usually go up to the Adirondack Mountain region of New York in the autumn and all you smell are wood the burning stoves when you are outside. There is just something relaxing hearing the fire crackle and smelling the wood.


  3. Meho says:

    My grand-ma was still using all this stuff. And I am talking about late 1980. She was living in our basement and was smiling everyday. Thanks for those memories Joseph and nice capture!


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