New York, Photography

Kayak Tour


I was in Cold Spring harbor this past Saturday morning and i noticed a crowd of people with Kayaks.  I then realized they were all there because a gentleman that offers Kayak tours was also giving lessons.


As the photo shows above he was helping people into the Kayaks and balancing them until they got their sea legs.  After he taught them  proper paddling technique he gave them a shove and they were on their way.


One by one they all cast off to practice their newly acquired Kayaking skills.


Some managed better than others but they all seemed to get the hang of it by the time they gathered into two groups to wait for the teacher and guide.


Alright give me a minute to stuff myself in here and I’ll be right with you guys.


And I’m off hopefully the weather will stay good until i finish this tour.


This Kayaker was not learning he was just coming in and I had to take a photo of his custom wooden Kayak, a pretty slick one too 🙂



11 thoughts on “Kayak Tour

  1. I love water pictures – there’s just something about the light on the waves and swirls. They are all wonderful, but the second last photo is my favourite – the bubbles and eddies in contrast to the calm waves on the other side of the kayak. Beautiful.


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