
Eastern State Penitentiary (Part Two)

With this post I will show you some of the unrestored portions of this eerie facility.


Some of the original and bed frames still exist as shown in the above photo. The plaster in this cell is actually in fairly good shape compared to some portions of this facility.


An original old cabinet sits on the wall of the corridor of cell block 1 and was probably used for washrags or towels for the inmates.


Old cast iron ornate radiators still grace the corridors also.


The inmates in the cells had exposed pipe radiators and cement toilets which were flushed by filling up a pail and pouring it down the toilet. They were only allowed one flush a day so you could only imagine what these cell blocks smelled like on hot humid days. It is interesting to note that this prison was so advanced for it’s time that it had running water and central heat before the White House did.


This is a view down cell block 2 and you can clearly see the deterioration of this crumbling facility.


Some shadows from the overhead windows shining on the distressed plaster.


33 thoughts on “Eastern State Penitentiary (Part Two)

  1. Amazing photos Joe, wonderful angles and things you notice! I love the most the photo of the cabinet, the cracking layers of paint are just so beautiful. And I can’t stop being amazed how great photos you get with your X100s. 🙂


    • Thank you Elina 🙂 Most of the woodwork in the prison that was painted was in the same condition as the cabinet. A good deal of these photos are at 3200 ISO also because I have the auto ISO set to 200 – 3200. The only thing the camera does not have is image stabilization (I wish it did). I’m pretty happy with it otherwise.


      • I wouldn’t have guessed these photos were taken with that high iso. Great results! It’s good to hear you are happy with the camera. 🙂


    • Thank you Cynthia, we took about four hours to tour the place and I could have stayed all day there were so many things to photograph. Have a great evening 🙂


    • Thank you Louise 🙂 I don’t know if you have ever heard of the Pennsylvania System but that originated from this establishment. Have a great evening 🙂


    • Thanks Robyn 🙂 I wanted to travel light because we took Amtrak down there and I only brought the Fuji X100s. Have a great evening 🙂


    • Actually I did 5-10 in here (nah just kidding). On a recent trip to Philadelphia my wife noticed an advertisement for this prison on the side of a bus and she said why don’t we go there. It was a wonderful idea on her part because we are both really into old buildings like this. It is a tourist attraction Martin. Have a great day:)


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