
Fuji X-T1 and XF 55-200mm R LM OIS Lens – 1/125 @ f/4.8 – ISO 1000

Joseph, New York, Photography

Peanut Gallery


29 thoughts on “Peanut Gallery

  1. jaytee59 says:

    In Europe the Squirrels do not eat Peanuts, I tried, we have lots of them, so I put Walnuts, Hazelnuts & Peanuts on top of our garden Brickwall. Everything was gone, eaten, except the peanuts, they do not know these, peanuts do not grow here. Finally the dogs ate them, cause dogs eat first and later they ask where the food is from, the truth, they do not mind at all.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh my gosh, this just screams “fall” to me, Joe! Superb shot with that crystal clear eye – I’m sure keeping tabs on you while getting ready to either open up that shell or stuff it inside his/her mouth 🙂


    • Thank you Laurie 🙂 It is my reflection and you really pick up on the small details. This was taken on a tree in my backyard and I was feeding these little guys one peanut at a time (there were two of them that kept taking turns grabbing peanuts).


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