
Fuji X-T1 and XF 10-24 LM OIS R lens – 1/450 @ f/8 – ISO 200

Antique home located at the Grange in the town of Islip, Long Island.

Joseph, New York, Photography

New Crib


20 thoughts on “New Crib

    • Very astute observation Emilio I’m surprised nobody else picked up on that. The lower part of the roof is about 6 feet which means after you subtract the thickness of the roof rafters the interior height of the wall would be about 5′ 5″. The peak of the food is about 9′. The part of the roof that is past the front door slopes down to about Knee height making a ladder unnecessary to do any repairs on the roof. A short couple must have lived here ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you.


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