
Leica D-Lux (type 109) – 1/100 @ f/5.6 – ISO 500

Joseph, New York, Photography

Have A Seat Please


28 thoughts on “Have A Seat Please

  1. Pingback: Have A Seat Please – Monochromia

  2. LB says:

    It would have been tempting to bring that chair in closer and limit the background, but by keeping so much of the background in the image, you managed to emphasize the chair. Super image, Joe!


  3. Emilio Pasquale says:

    I think I commented on Facebook when I first saw this. If not, I apologize. This is perfect. So scary, too. Love the grunginess- which I doubt you had to add to. And the lighting is superb! I love this. Ok. What Patti said. Not so much scary as atmospheric.


    • Thank you very much Gale 😊 I would never attempt to go into these buildings because of the asbestos and lead paint hazards. All of the shots I am posting were taken through broken windows from outside. Half of the buildings are knocked down from this time last year so I figured I would get a few shots before they are all gone.


      • So glad you were not actually in the building! Safety first! But knowing how you actually got those shots makes them even more special. I’m sure it was not easy having to shoot from those access points. Kudos to you!


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