23 thoughts on “Whats Up Doc ?

  1. Emilio Pasquale says:

    Well, hallelujah, you’re alive! I heard the storm shifted further East but the island was still hit pretty hard. Nice to hear it was only a foot and a half. So, you have rabbits on the island? We are overrun with them here. They eat every new plant as soon as we get it into the ground.


    • Hahaha still kickback Emilio 🙂 The rabbits keep my backyard lawn nice and trimmed. There are new families moving in and out every year, I feel like I’m running a boarding house for rabbits.


    • Usually the mom keeps the babies at a distance in case of predators. The rest of her babies were in the neighbors yard and she kept running back and forth all day but I guess this little guy was a little bold and followed her over here. He or she was here for about 2 1/2 months because we would throw lettuce and baby carrots in the yard every day and they would come out of hiding and munch. Then one day the baby jumped into the neighbors yard and never came back, I guess it was time to join the rest of the family 🙂

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    • Thank you very much Meho 🙂 The storm dumped about 18 inches when it was all done but some of the snow drifts are up to 3 1/2 feet. I think we got lucky and the storm shifted a little more east than was predicted.

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