Just when you least expect it you meet and have a conversation with one of the people whose music shaped your life. Seems like these kind of things only happen in New York City. Thank you for being so gracious Sir Paul.

Image was taken with an iPhone 8 Plus because I couldn’t find my camera which was on my neck strap, LOL

Entertainment, Joseph, Music, New York, Photography

All You Need is Love


12 thoughts on “All You Need is Love

    • Please be my guest Mike. I was surprised he was so gracious and talkative. We must have talked for five minutes or more about music and other things until the march got going.


  1. Great picture, Joe, and what a wonderful unexpected treat!

    I’m one of those people who are terrible at facial recognition. I could probably walk right into him and not register who he is. My husband on the other hand would fall all over himself with excitement, but would struggle to recall his name!

    We make a good pair 😏

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Joanne it was an unexpected treat. I was busy taking pictures of the march so I wouldn’t have realized he was there either. It was my friend Carmela who I was with that informed me that Paul was there. Carmela was like a gitty little girl (except for the screaming back in the Beatlemania days) and she was afraid to approach him. I said to her “hold my beer” and went up to him, shook his hand, told him I loved his music and ended up talking to him for a couple of minutes and you know what ? He’s a regular guy. He was very gracious and I when asked if I could get a picture of him so my wife would believe I actually met him and he said sure no problem mate. I also met Leiv Schreiber of “Ray Donovan” fame that day. All in all I would say it was a good day, LOL.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Gale A. Giordano Toney says:

    I would have fainted! Did you know he would be there before time? I have your shots of him saved to my photos, also the one I found of him online with you in the picture! What an amazing encounter! Merry Christmas to you and Terry and a Happy and healthy New Year!


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